This was a post I put into my The Ambitious Mums Club
Evening ladies! The reason I set this group up, was to support other women. I believe there is room for everyone to be a success. There is a big, wide world out there and we can ALL succeed in whatever we wish too.
Now we can do this alone, of course, but the quicker route is to help others.
We all have different skill sets, different things we are good at. We have different aspirations, different reasons for doing what we do.
When you join all of these different qualities together it can be a fabulous thing. It can mean with the support of all these minds, you could make everyone succeed and that is something truly brilliant.
There are women that feel they need to elbow others out the way to succeed and I really think they are wrong.
Life is tough enough, isnt it?
There are challenges everyday and every one of us, is just trying to get through it, trying to do our best.
When you spend your life snidely competing with everyone around you, scoffing at their success and hoping they fail, then YOU fail. You fail at life, because being that way inclined, will never give you a happy heart and can only ever mean you are lacking, yourself.
Competition can be fun, it can push us and motivate us, but there is a level that is unhealthy and not looking at the bigger picture.
We are living right now. Its happening. You might be exactly where you want to be, or you might still be working that road to success, but whatever point you are at, you need to be alive to it.
Striving to succeed is great, but not at the detriment of living your life right now. Don’t shit on people on the way up, as you may need them some point again. Don’t miss whats going on around you, for a future life.
I have absolutely fallen into the trap of chasing the future and not looking outside my own window, not realising that I’m missing real life, missing important things and I am totally making sure I don’t do it again. We can always learn.Life is so dam short, so you need to find the balance between striving for success and striving till the end, missing your ACTUAL life.
Support the women around you, lets show support in this group. Congratulate each other, wish people well. Its much better than back stabbing and bitching, like children. JOIN HERE
I have always been a supporter of other women and never been of the belief that all women are ‘bitchy’.
So post underneath a comment for someone else in the group (or add in another Mum) and tell them they’re great, show some love and some support for what they are doing and who they are.
I’m going to start by saying my sister Beki Wilkinson is one of the most amazing women I have ever known. Beautiful, courageous and funny. She has had a very challenging year and has come out of it as a bloody lion. I’m proud of you mate!
Please share this with someone you love and celebrate!
To officially be part of The Ambitious Mums Club, register HERE