So today has been a right lovely day.
I have been busying away with my family and tonight I sat down to do a bit of work on my new mindset academy programme, I’m building with a friend of mine.
I wasn’t really social media-ing it, as it was too distracting, so I didn’t check anything until late.
First email I check was to say I am now a qualified advanced Law of attraction practitioner, boom shakalaka!
The second to say, oh so you have been nominated to WIN Best Vlogger in the Mumsnet Blogging awards!
Honestly, I am so chuffed!
How cool is that?!
At the beginning of this year, I thought, I really need to start putting myself forward for stuff like this. I saw the Mumsnet awards and went for it.
I elbowed a few friends and family to nominate me too and I’m now a finalist! Super, duper, bloody brilliant!
Plus Vlogging has been huge for me over the last year and even more so over the last month with Vlogust and vlogging every day for a month.
Ok I am waffling now, the point of this post was to say, I need your help to win. I can only WIN if I get enough votes, so I need to get enough votes haha.
To vote for me, CLICK HERE: and scroll down to click my name. Thats it, dead easy. Now I know it’s asking a lot, but could I ask you to maybe just post the link on YOUR social media and spread the word.
Perhaps you could ask your friends and family if they would mind clicking the vote for Holly Matthews button.
Heres some things about me you might not know, to help you feel like you do know me, this may help your vote:
- I once had one of the ‘cheeky girls’ (*click here if you don’t know who they are) walk in on me naked
- I drink my coffee through a straw so it doesn’t stain my teeth.
- I swear like a truck driver (but never around the kids, skills!)
- Some days I do facepaint on myself and pretend it’s the kids that wanted it.
- I do the best quick tidy (chuck stuff away in bags/boxes/out the way) in the land
- I’m obsessed with why we do things, how we think, how we can all be happy an true to ourselves.
- I started out as an actress at the teeny tiny age of 11! On kids TV show Byker Grove and then went on to be in LOADS of other stuff like Waterloo Road, BBC Casualty, Doctors, The Bill…
- I once fell over, on the set of Blue Peter, in front of Westlife (yes I have more than 1 Blue Peter’s badge)
- I love teapots, teacups, china and having afternoon tea
- A bit of me dies inside when people say pacifically, when they mean specifically
- I love Criminal minds the TV show
- In my heart, I think I am Jlo
- I married (*Ok it was a fake ceremony when I was about 8, with teddies as guests, in my mate Eve’s garden and a picture for a groom) Les Ferdinand, the footballer.
- I was a premmie baby, weighing just over 3llb when I was born and then went onto have a premmie baby myself.
- I was signed to Sony UK at 19 and released a single under the name Summer Matthews
- I have seen Grease the film about a million times and no all the dialogue.
- Alanis morrisette, Jagged Little Pill Album is my favourite album EVER.
- I’m a book nerd, love reading, proper love it!
- I once took my Mam and Dads car out, before I passed my test (only in my street mind) and crashed it into a wall, front on. The damage was minimal, just a few scratches and I only told them when I was about 25.
- I have no tattoos, but did used to have my belly button pierced. In order to get it pierced at 14 (I wasn’t allowed by my parents), I got my friend Lucy to call the shop pretending to be my Mum, when they asked her my date of birth, she panicked and hung up, they did it anyway.
So thats a bit about me, now can you vote for me to be BEST VLOGGER at the MUMSNET BLOGGING AWARDS please,what? The stuff about me put you off? Oh for goodness, look just vote for me, I’d be mega chuffed!
Thanks gang!!