Riding life’s storms

This 8 part video course (with printable workbook and certificate on competition) gives you the low down on building resilience and getting through ‘tough times’. I created it because I know that some days are crap! Some days, weeks, years or moments feel like standing on lego and if you keep walking forwards, eventually you will …

Screw Xmas anxiety kit

Your Print outs and vids to help you feel the Christmas cheer, without the Christmas fear.

The Happy Me Project Kids

7 Audios (can be in the same module) Print outs Parents audios Video demo  Kids story audio and print out Social Media Links

The Happy Me Project 2

Printouts 4 modules Module 1- 5 lessons Module 2- 12 lessons Module 3- 9 lessons Module 4- 6 lessons Extra stuff Book list Certificate  Social Media