There are some days when you feel you cannot get it together. Some days when you doubt your journey and don’t know if your path is the right one.
There are some days when your confidence is low and you doubt you can do this.
On those days you will need to dig deeper than ever, be stronger than ever and try super hard.
Are you having one of those days? Some of you might be and this is for you.
Life is tough. Really tough. It isn’t fair and sometimes you wonder how much more you are expected to take. Believe me I understand that feeling.
I want you to know that the most important thing to remember is that nothing ever stays the same. Life is a series of peaks and troughs, highs and lows.
For those whose live’s are really tough, you will feel “Yeah, OK Holly, where are these peaks, you’re banging on about?!”
Firstly not all peaks will be super noticeable, some will just be days of calm, days of nothing dramatic (depending on your life situation)
BUT you also have to create the peaks, despite your circumstances.
You need to decide to see the good, even if you need to force yourself.
Before my husband was diagnosed with brain cancer, he was (not surprisingly) depressed, suicidally so at times and I would force him to tell me something good about his day. I’d say, “There’s always something, tell me!”
Even if it was, I made a cup of tea that was OK. It’s something. It’s better than a bad cup of tea!
There is always something and reminding yourself this and training yourself to see the good will TOTALLY change your life.
If you’re struggling right now, I want you to list 10 (yes 10!!!) good things about your life.
No focusing on the bad, no “but…” Just “I have a warm home” and so on.
Seek beauty in the mundane.
A Winston Churchill quote I use in troubled times is this:
“When you’re going through hell, keep going!”
Whatever it takes.
There will be change eventually. Believe in your ability.
I believe in you.